The characteristic bagpipe bag must meet certain criteria.

Ergonomics adapted to the air requirements of the sound elements
(reeds, pihet and brinudéir) and offering playing comfort to the musician.
For old bohas they are medium in size with a capacity
estimated from 8 to 14 liters of air.

They are made of tanned skin either from sheep or goat,
some say there would have been dog skin.

For sealing reasons, they have almost always been carried out in
whole skin. This makes it possible to limit the seams often source Leaks.
The seams were made using waxed thread or
of wire rubbed with garlic,
always for the same sealing reasons.

The ligatures of the pieces of wood serving as stumps for the pihet and
the insuflation pipe can be internal or external (cf. technical sheet - ligatures).

The bags are made so that the animal's hair is inside.
There may be bags where the hair has been completely removed.

To ensure maximum sealing, the inside of the bags was coated with A preparation whose composition could vary from one musician to another.
(see bag technical sheet).

There is only one case of red velvet over-bag as on the Cabrette Bagpipe d'Auvergne) this is the BDg-2011-1 "Benquet".
It is an element of decoration.